Law Firm & Lawyer in Katowice

location service: Katowice
DKP Legal Michał Dudkowiak
Michał Dudkowiak
Adwokat | Partner Zarządzający
check full info of team member: Michał Dudkowiak

We provide wide variety of legal services in Katowice for entrepreneurs as well as to private individuals.

Local lawyers in Katowice are supported our expert attorneys from offices from all around Poland. In consequence were able to provide quality service in the region of Katowice.

Inquiries for legal services in Katowice shall be addressed:

Law Firm in Katowice

Our team of lawyers in Katowice provide variety of legal services in favor of multinationals, medium-small companies and private clients. All our Polish lawyers and accountants speak English fluently and are dedicated to provide legal advisory to foreigners and foreign investors.

Our trial attorneys (litigators) in Katowice represent the clients in front of the local Courts and advise as to litigation strategy.

We provide qualified legal services to foreigner entrepreneurs doing business in Katowice region. Our services cover, M&A, corporate law, employment law, debt collection, administrative and regulatory law and litigation.

We assist to in purchase of real estate in Katowice region. Our legal advisory and representation relates to purchase of  lands and business facilities by entrepreneurs, as well as, apartments and houses by private individuals.

Local legal office in Katowice remains to your full disposal.

Legal services in Katowice

  • Investment advisory in Katowice region
    - advisory regarding investments in Katowice region
    - representation in investment planning before Katowice authorities
    - advisory as to investment in Special Economic Zone in Katowice
    - establishment of investment vehicles in Katowice
  • Property and real estate in Katowice
    - due diligence of properties located in Katowice and surroundings
    - sale and purchase of properties located in Katowice area
    - drafting and negotiating real estate purchase contracts in Katowice
    - buying apartments, houses, building and lands in Katowice
    - lease of apartments and office spaces in Katowice
  • M&A in Katowice
    - advisory and representation in M&A transaction in Katowice region
    - due diligence of Katowice assets
    - drafting, negotiating and executing transaction regarding assets located in Katowice
  • Construction and development in Katowice
    - advisory to residential and industrial construction projects in Katowice
    - representation before construction authorities in Katowice
    - advisory to development companies investing in Katowice
    - advisory and representation in construction and building projects in Katowice
  • Transport and Logistic in Katowice
    - advisory as to establishment transport facilities in Katowice
    - legal advisory to transport companies in Katowice
    - advisory to logistic hubs in Katowice
  • IT, e-commerce and software development
    - advisory as to establishment of IT companies in Katowice
    - legal advisory to IT, e-commerce companies in Katowice
    - legal advisory to software houses in Katowice
  • Corporate Law in Katowice
    - company registration and incorporation in Katowice
    - representation in Katowice in transaction of purchase and sale of shares
    - Due Diligence of companies in Katowice region
    - representation at shareholders meetings in Katowice
    - representation in corporate procedures / processes in Katowice
    - reporting corporate changes to KRS in Katowice (Katowice Company Register)
    - submission of claims in Katowice insolvency courts
  • Contracts in Katowice
    - drafting and negotiating contracts in Katowice
    - attending Notary in Katowice for contracts execution
    - check (due diligence) of counterparts / partners in Katowice
    - securing contracts on assets located in Katowice
  • Labor and Employment law in Katowice
    - advisory as to employment of staff in Katowice area
    - representation of employers in region of Katowice
    - drafting employment documents for employers based in Katowice
    - representing before Labor Courts in Katowice
    - representing before Labor Inspectorate of Katowice
  • Litigation in Katowice
    - representing clients in litigations in Katowice
    - running out-of-court negotiations and mediations in Katowice region
    - representing before the Courts of Katowice
    - enforcement of foreign rulings in Katowice
    - enforcement of judgements against debtors located in Katowice region
    - debt recovery and debt collection in Katowice
  • Taxes in Katowice
    - advisory regarding taxation of companies and assets in Katowice
    - representation before Tax Authorities in Katowice
    - advisory regarding local taxation in Katowice
    - advisory regarding property tax in Katowice
  • Inheritance in Katowice
    - representing clients in inheritance of assets in Katowice
    - representation in inheritance of property in Katowice
    - representation before Courts of Katowice in succession cases
    - takeover of inheritance in Katowice
  • Administrative law in Katowice
    - representation before public authorities in Katowice
    - appeal against penalties imposed by authorities of Katowice
    - judicial review of decisions issued by Katowice authorities